2-R-1-N CHRIST Marriage and Relationship Ministry


I have been away from the blog for a while and for you my loyal readers I am very sorry, however I am back and plan to keep this blog going as before. What took me away you ask? As always a very good question. After over 30 years of marriage Father God has called my husband and I into a new ministry and it has taken a lot of our time just developing it. As with any new life it took time to grow, and develope in its different stages of growth and development. We looked at it as conception, pregnancy, delivery, and infancy…our baby ministry is now born and home from the hospital. So like every good parent we are introducing our newest member of the ministry family to the other children at home. With all of that said we would like to introduce you to the newest member of the family….it is  2-R-1-N CHRIST Marriage and Relationship Ministry. We have been called to bring new life to the body of Christ where marriage and relationships are concerned. This ministry mandated by Christ is not just for those who are married or currently in a relationship, but this ministry also includes singles who would like to know how God wants us to live together in Him. This is a teaching, interaction, social, mentoring group that just wants to bring back the love that was given to us in the Garden of Eden. The ministry offers workshops every two months. During these times we teach, play, dine, and fellowship. We have skits of all types. We have developed workbooks that you can order and work on at home with your husband or mate or if you are single you can work on and have a better concept of marriage God’s way. We offer information at each workshop that includes developing love, better communication and most of all how to develope your financial life. We have a social component that we call “My Lover, My Friend Date Night” based on the scripture from Song of Solomon 5:16. These are cost effective date nights planned with you in mind. We do all the work and you have all the fun. They have been developed so that you can attend with your spouse, mate or you can attend as a single person and not feel uncomfortable. We offer pre-marital counseling and will marry you if you so choose. At this early stage in our ministry we have two weddings coming up in May and one potential in early fall. We currently offer marriage and relationship mentorship to couples in need and our future plans are to offer a mentorship program where those who would like to mentor other couples and singles will learn via a course that would offer certificates allowing those who complete the course to be marriage and relationship mentors. This is just the beginning of what God has in store for his children. He wants us to return to the wonderful state that we were in as he gave us the marital relationship in the garden. This is our first and most important ministry. It is under attack and Christ who is waiting for His Bride -The Church wants us to become one together in Him as He is in Us. We want you to be a part of this great new move of Christ. Meet your new sister/brother ministry. Come and join us physically as well as via the internet. You will love what is being done in the Kingdom of God. Visit our new website: http://www.2r1nchrist.com see what we have to offer at this point and time and become a part of what’s to come. As always we have linked this wonderful blogsite to the new ministry and we promise not to leave the older child alone. This is our first baby who is now walking and talking but still needs love. We promise to continue with our bible study lessons and all the good things that you have come to love about this wonderful ministry of God. So for now bond with your new sister/brother ministry. Write to us and become a fan of ours on facebook/2r1nchrist . Plan to become a regular at all of the date night events. Now is the time to just take a moment to secure the rest of your life where marriage, relationships or to find out just what you need to know as a single person. As any good father our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, healthy and receive an abundant life. He created us to be social loving beings and because of our sin nature and the ways of this world we have regressed somewhat and forgot what we had in the garden. Now is the time to become a part of this mighty move of Christ. We pray to see you soon and as always invite you to leave your comments and concerns here and on the new website.

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